Support and Operations

We Support Our Customers’ IT Environments in Some of the Most Complex and Demanding Environments

Our projects are our babies, and we don’t walk out on our partners after delivery. We strive to develop long-term strategic relationships, helping you to maximize your returns from past projects, as well as find solutions to future challenges.

When new technologies are implemented, you cannot take on all of the knowledge needed to operate them successfully after implementation. While education and training are key components in a successful roll-out of new solutions, newly trained staff still lack the experience needed to respond to all potential questions and challenges. This is why we, depending on your desires and internal team, offer arrangements ranging from 2nd level support to complete operational management (ITaaS) of newly developed systems. This saves you from having to hire highly qualified people, or if such resources are present, allows you to invest these internal resources into solving other challenges.

We Help Generali with IT Assistance, So They Can Focus on Their Business

Within NIL Assist service, we provide Generali Insurance company with technical support in their IT-infrastructure management and problem solving.

Read the testimonial

Reinvent your role. Get rid of the complex IT operations.

Not all customers have a desire to manage complex IT operations internally at all, so there is always the option of outsourcing the complete IT operation and maintenance.

Out ITaaS include a range of cooperation models, from standard issue resolution, incident response plans (such as a slow operation), security incident response plans (damage mitigation, hardening to newly identified threats), off-site services, SLAs, etc.

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  • The ability to achieve high availability SLAs, leading to rugged and reliable systems supporting all your business processes.
  • You do not need to be involved in the management of a large part of the solution lifecycle.
  • You can maintain business operations on appropriate levels while employing primarily low-level operational support staff, as opposed to costly permanent staff with highly specialized knowledge and experience.

Add value to your IT infrastructure: Gain insight, improve services.

With our solution NIL Monitor you can improve the functioning of your services without having to make any further investments into hardware, experts and IT infrastructure management.

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Why NIL?


NIL relies on its many years of experience in supporting some of the most demanding enterprises.

Many years of experience in resolving urgent and pressing issues for some of the largest business customers with industry-leading SLAs.

We offer support for niche, high-impact infrastructural technologies, often poorly supported even by their original vendors.