NIL again confirms the ISO 27001 certificate
The certificate proves NIL’s commitment to secure data-handling and supports our market credibility.
NIL recognizes the importance of securely handling all the data that we produce or use. Therefore, in 2010 we decided to standardize and certify the handling of all internal data – a corporate change that led to NIL’s receiving the acclaimed ISO 27001 certificate. We continue working constantly to improve our standards, and each year NIL conducts an external audit in order to retain the certificate. NIL has earned the ISO 27001 certificate again for 2015, with no compliance failures found during an external audit. “The ISO 27001 certificate is important for NIL and for our customers because it proves our commitment to high security standards and supports our credibility in the market,” said Vasko Berden, General Counsel, Head of Common Services, NIL.
NIL handles a great deal of confidential and sensitive data. As a partner of large organizations, our services are strongly integrated into clients’ business processes, obligating NIL to maintain the highest level of credibility and trust. As a cloud services provider the company also deals with the critical and private information of the clients hosted on NIL’s infrastructure, and it’s extremely important that we handle this data appropriately. Through years of experience and with long-lasting partnerships with clients from the military sector, finance and government, NIL has proven that we provide the highest levels of security and maintain the trust that our partners expect. The ISO 27001 certificate praises NIL’s efforts in assuring data security and demonstrates our position as a trusted partner on a global scale.