Cyber Threat Intelligence: A Better Way to Do Vulnerability Management

Live Webinar – October 13 @10:00 – 11:00


Why is vulnerability management hard and how can you improve it? Join the webinar and learn about better approaches to vulnerability management and incident response, and how cyber threat intelligence can help.

How CISOs can improve Vulnerability Management and Incident Response with CTI (Cyber Threat Intelligence)

Cyber vulnerabilities are a headache and risk for businesses (and managers). Over 8000 vulnerabilities have been published in Q1 of 2022 alone (source). Almost 11% of all vulnerabilities have a score of critical (source). It can often take months to remediate a vulnerability. The Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) list currently has over 183,000 entries (source). To make matters worse, we do not really know how many vulnerabilities are out there; food for thought, Windows 10, one of the most used softwares in the world, consists of around 50 million lines of code.

As a result, decision-making around vulnerability management is difficult and stressful. It is extremely hard to get it right. No wonder CISOs and other cyber security professionals struggle with it and are therefore not confident that their businesses will be secure from cyber threats and critical vulnerabilities at least.

To improve your vulnerability management practice, we invite you to join our upcoming Cyber Threat Intelligence: A better way to do vulnerability management live webinar. We will discuss the approaches and techniques that CISOs, SOC and CSIRT managers and security professionals can deploy to patch vulnerabilities faster and with greater confidence.


  • 5 essential questions for successful vulnerability management practice
  • CTI-led vulnerability management in a nutshell
  • Practical examples: workflow, architecture and case study

Date and time

  • October 13, 2022 from 10:00-11:00
  • Duration: 45 min + 15 min for live Q&A
